In the earlier days, there were fertile lands to cultivate and food was plentiful and inexpensive. Agriculture was the only main occupation for the mankind. Over the years, the scientific advancement in every sector and the advanced technology has opened a new way, providing plethora of opportunities to the humans. Agriculture manufacturers and suppliers in the Middle East countries like Kuwait, Dubai and Saudi Arabia are showing more interest to produce as well as secure food supplies.
The main crops in UAE are tomatoes, dates, melons, potatoes, citrus, fodder crops and melons. The incessant supply of underground water from the nearby mountains plus the plentiful rainfall helps the crops to grow. The other vegetables and commodities are imported from various countries to meet their food supplies and agriculture products needs. Government in Middle East countries are taking steps to encourage domestic production.
There are few hurdles to agriculture in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are lack of arable lands, extreme heat conditions, periodic locusts swarms and limited ground water supplies. The steps to increase the land under cultivation have resulted in the depletion of underground water. In addition to agriculture, fishing in the rich waters create livelihood for centuries along the coast.
With the help of technology, agriculture can be done with adequate water supply, thereby making farming sustainable and get the best agriculture products in Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The proper linking between the farming market and agriculture suppliers, agriculture manufacturers and exporters in Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia and Qatar to come up with the best deal to enhance food security without compromising on the quality of the agriculture products. Therefore, the low quality agriculture products will not be oversupplied in the market. Besides the increasing water scarcity will not be overstrained.
The food safety, environmental protection, high technology irrigation techniques and good agricultural practices will strengthen the agriculture in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Abu Dhabi. As the demands of agriculture products increase every year, the food supply volume from agriculture suppliers and manufacturers are expected to increase. Due to the immense development in Dubai and other neighbouring countries, the increase in population has given rise to rural areas, which are now slowly turning into a new city.
The mankind is entering a phase called a food gap, which is the difference between production and demand, could be more than double. Running a farm is a daunting task as it involves more complexities from weather and land to water.